
Welcome you to my personal blog.
Its all about self experiences and things yet to experience in life, I wish to share.
The blog is still under construction so please bare with me.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts and i would love to read your comments after reading...

Kisses& Hugs...

L'oreal Neverson

maandag 16 mei 2011

The Doors In Your Life

 What if u finally think you've found the one. Things from the past hits u back in the head. What do you do? Do u keep believing its going to get better or just decide go to with a flow.

You see I'm making a point somewhere. The fact that memories still invade in your brains makes you think every door is the same. When a door closes, another door opens.

Every door is different. My doors are named. There is the insecure door which makes you doubt things even though it might be right. Do you really want to go through the door that would bring you hell and misery?

Preview of The Doors In your Life.

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