...Time what you make of it.
So why read this?
Time Is what you make of it.
So why Leave this?
Why waste time to know who wrote this?
Please wait a while.
Time is what you make of it.
You need God every minute.
So just don't waste it.
You could be alive for the last day of your Life
Time is what you make of it.
It goes along with fulfilling your own Destiny.
Time is what you make of it.
Are You growing Older OR Wiser?
Aim high every Moment.
What goes Up,Must come down,So how long do You plan to stay Up?
Time is what you make of it.
When You Dream,Dream BIG.You have one Life to Live.
Time is what you make of it.
Money will come & go,but the Truth will remain.
Its better to Cry Now & Laugh later.
Time is what you make of it.Step back Now & give GOD the Lead Role.
Let Go&Let GOD &Move On.
Time is what you make of it.How much time do You have?
When are You going to put your Life in GOD's Hands?
Time is what you make of it.
Make the best out of this worst situation.
Talk to GOD in good times& bad times as well.
Time is what you make of it.You're the thief of your Own time,
not Procrastination.
Time is what you make of it.
There's an end to Life & there's a Start to it.
Actions are more faster than Words,step out Now.
Time is what you make of it.
Keep this Time in your Mind.
Pray & You shall easily Find.
Time is what you make of it.
If You wish I could write more,
Well I run out of Time Myself.
Read Ecclesiastes 3...
GOD Is A GOD of Time,
That's Why HE's FOREVER and EVER....
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